Dustbusters Mid-Term Meeting – Registration Form
The Dustbusters Mid-Term Meeting is supposed to take place on the 9th and 10th of July 2020 at the University of Milan. Participation is strongly recommended for all Dustbusters Coordinators and all secondees, and suggested for all other members of the project. Our Project Officer, Mr Amir Spahic, will also be present.
At this stage, considering the international health emergency due to the fast spreading of the virus called COVID-19, we cannot be sure that the MTM will effectively take place, but it would be useful for us to know how many of you would attend should the global scenario change. We will take a final decision at the beginning of May, and it will be also based on your feedback. We thus kindly ask you to register to the form below by the 15th of April and to specify if you think you will be able to participate, should the global emergency will be over by July and travel bans cease: